Plotly may be installed using pip:$ pip install plotly=5.9.0

We also encourage you to join the Plotly Community Forum if you want help with anything related to plotly.
exporting notebooks to PDF with high-quality vector images). QtConsole, Spyder, P圜harm) and static document publishing (e.g. Thanks to deep integration with our Kaleido image export utility, plotly also provides great support for non-web contexts including desktop editors (e.g. The plotly Python library is sometimes referred to as "plotly.py" to differentiate it from the JavaScript library. # Installed files into ~/.The plotly Python library is an interactive, open-source plotting library that supports over 40 unique chart types covering a wide range of statistical, financial, geographic, scientific, and 3-dimensional use-cases.īuilt on top of the Plotly JavaScript library ( plotly.js), plotly enables Python users to create beautiful interactive web-based visualizations that can be displayed in Jupyter notebooks, saved to standalone HTML files, or served as part of pure Python-built web applications using Dash. WINDIR= $ -target=i386-mingw32 -host=i386-mingw32 -build=i586-linux -program-prefix= " " -disable-dependency-tracking # setup Windows Mingw32 and Qt paths for WineĮxport WINEPATH= "C:\mingw32\bin C:\Qt\4.8.6\bin " # Install this older version to fix the issue:Įcho "Provide release tarball as argument. # Error: * Could not find dependent assembly L"-Controls" (

# Install older Inno version due to issues with wine

# 4) Install Inno Setup 5 (used in `qucs-installer-win32.sh`) # 3) Install MinGW into Wine (MinGW matched to Qt) # It expect MinGW 4.8.2 to be installed, we do it next. # Follow the installer, note the install path. # $ brew install -devel -without-x11 wine # Need to add -disable-dependency-tracking to avoid mixup of host and target header files # Install binaries into ~/.wine/drive_c/qucs-win32-bin/ # Extract into: ~/git/qucs/release/build_win32/qucs-x.x.x # Requires package: ~/git/qucs/release/qucs-x.x.x.tar.gz # The MinGW-w64 is the compiler used by the official Qt 4.8.6 binaries/installer. # This script cross compiles Qucs for Windows 32 using Wine and MinGW-w64.